Our firm handles litigation and transactional real estate matters for residential, commercial, timberland, and rural properties. Whether buying, selling, or refinancing property, we can assist you in all phases of the real estate transaction including negotiations and preparation of the purchase agreement, review and consultation regarding title documents, title search and examination, title insurance, assistance with due diligence and other pertinent matters regarding all phases of the closing process.
Davidson, Davidson, Umbach & Forbus issues title policies and is authorized to conduct closings under insured closing letters for First American Title Insurance Company. Additionally, our firm writes titles for Fidelity/Commonwealth and Old Republic. We also assist clients in clearing up title issues and legal matters associated with real property.

Areas of Practice:
- Commercial Properties
- Single Family Homes
- Title Service
- Condominiums
- Apartments
- Office Buildings
- Farms
- Timberland
- Contract Drafting
- Contract Disputes
- Construction Law
- Property Disputes
- Condemnation/Eminent Domain
- Foreclosures